Marc Simony, head of product strategy, shared insights about TraceGains Network and what it provides customers and suppliers.
What is TraceGains Network?
TraceGains Network is the premier collaborative platform for the food and beverage industry. This unique and growing platform brings together an array of people from different parts of the food industry plus grocery and restaurant retailers.
People use TraceGains Network to exchange data, documents, and information to ensure compliance with industry mandates such as the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). We built TraceGains Network in cooperation with the industry. Getting input from industry leaders allowed us to reduce the amount of time people spent managing and satisfying documentation requests. For example, when you leverage our PostOnce® technology, it’s easy to fulfill multiple document requests at once.
What does TraceGains Network provide customers?
FSQA [Food Safety and Quality Assurance] departments rarely get all the resources they need to manage the simple-to-ask-for but difficult-to-achieve goal of providing safe food for consumers. In today’s world, it’s even more complicated. Consumer taste is in constant flux, the number of SKUs escalates exponentially, and product lifecycles have become shorter than ever. TraceGains customers have met this kind of scaling demand without the need to staff up linearly.
Also, since we bring automation to vendor document management, people can do their jobs better. TraceGains continually helps companies meet their preventive mandate spelled out by FSMA. Plus, anyone who maintains a GFSI-approved certification program reaps the benefits — auditors love TraceGains.
What about suppliers?
Suppliers also benefit in several ways. First, customers now manage document requests — that means suppliers no longer have to track what has and hasn’t been done. Why? Because TraceGains Network provides every user with a simple to-do list, based on the document needs customers have issued. Suppliers also don’t have to relearn new interfaces or remember passwords every time one of their customers selects TraceGains as their FSQA platform. With multiple requests for the same document (from different customers), TraceGains Network handles these requests with a one upload.
TraceGains also has taken the lead in designing standard industry questionnaires around common data requests between suppliers and customers.
And we continue to take input from our customer advisors, which allows us to update these questionnaires regularly while keeping them in-sync with regulatory developments. Now, suppliers can fill out a form once, regardless of how many customers request the same data.
If you want to get more information on TraceGains Network, visit our product page to see what it can do.