On-Demand Webinars
Expediting the Process for FDA Imports

With more than 195 countries managing imports and exports across the global supply chain, introducing food and beverages into the United States comes with its own unique set of FDA regulations. Understanding and adhering to the regulations for each country can trigger knowledge gaps and spawn uncertainty. Do you need to focus on direct U.S. imports? Employing a holistic import strategy can ensure your goods arrive on time.

But questions often linger that can trip up even the most experienced importers:

Common questions by importers

  • What happens if authorities detain your product?
  • What if there’s a last-minute import alert?
  • What if authorities refuse your product?
  • Are you up to speed on the PREDICT program?

FDA imports process on demand

If you’re bringing goods into the United States, watch this on-demand webinar to help shore up your strategy by learning more about the challenges, pitfalls, and detention risks. In addition, leveraging technology to filter alerts specific to your products, your partner’s products, or even specific locations can help you make lightning-fast decisions that can salvage your bottom line.

Watch & learn:

  • The layers and processes of import refusal and detention and what to expect at every stage.
  • Overview of foreign and domestic food safety, importing food and understanding the automated customs environment (ACE), and the PREDICT program.
  • Insights into the FDA import trade auxiliary communications system (ITACS).
  • The many moving parts of FDA Alerts that include number, import alert name, the reason for alert, guidance, and more.

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