On-Demand Webinars
The Future of the Supply Chain

If you missed the keynote from Together 2022, you have another chance to learn, grow, and transform alongside the CPG supply chain. Access this on-demand fireside chat with Art Mesher for insights on what the future of food and beverage will bring.

Permanence is the past, agile is the future

“With things changing so quickly, it doesn’t make sense to have relationships or technology that can’t keep up. Business relationships and their supporting systems will see a striking end to their fixed, long-term nature or ‘permanence’ as it has been known in the past.” – Art Mesher

Three V’s on demand

How often do you get the chance to hear from someone who founded not just a company but an entire industry framework? Well, the opportunity has arrived. This on-demand webinar where we sit down with Art Mesher, author of the “Three V’s” – visibility, velocity, and variability – and member of the Supply Chain Hall of Fame (2016) to revisit how his ideas apply to the current state of supply chain.

Our Speakers

Art Mesher

Art Mesher

Chancellor, CLEANSL8.DNA, Author, The 3 V's of the Supply Chain

Art Mesher was selected as the recipient of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) 2008 Distinguished Service Award. He was elected to their “Supply Chain Hall of Fame” in 2016, becoming a pioneer by developing and investing in companies that harness the integration of business communities. Art is considered the founder of the “Federating Networks Model” for the supply chain industry. He also launched the Integrated Logistics Strategies Services at Gartner Group Inc., a leading technology research and advisory firm, building it into one of the premier advisors to global corporations.

Gary Iles

Gary Iles

Senior Vice President of Marketing and Business Development, TraceGains

Technology innovator and leader who has designed categories and innovative customer experiences throughout his career. Formally through software applications or buying journeys, he brings a portfolio of successful experiences driving industry change. Led concept-through-deployment efforts of industry-leading billing analytics software, award-winning customer portal designs, and advanced unified collaboration SaaS applications.

Paul Bradley

Paul Bradley

Senior Director, Product Marketing

Over 20 years’ experience in product marketing and development in the technology and consulting industries, focusing on the food and beverage, restaurant, and retail industries. Worked with some of the largest and most dynamic brands in the industry. Dedicated to helping businesses gain resiliency in the current market through technology.

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