Experts Predict Lengthy UK Food Shortages Gary Iles | Consumers, Trends, United KingdomUK consumers, retailers, and manufacturers can expect to suffer through extended food shortages for the ...Read More
TraceGains to Speak at International Sedex Event Denis Storey | United KingdomTraceGains has doubled down on our UK presence with an appearance at Sedex Conference London 2023 from March ...Read More
Brexit Continues to Challenge UK Food Regulators Gary Iles | Food Safety, United KingdomAfter taking a series of economic hits over the past few years, will 2023 be any different for the ...Read More
2023 UK Market Forecast Denis Storey | Trends, United KingdomWith a hopeful eye, we look toward 2023 and the UK market. What does the new year have in store for the food and ...Read More
Pingdemic Slams UK Supply Chain Denis Storey | United KingdomFor the foreseeable future, U.K. manufacturers must do more with less. One way to accomplish that is by digitizing ...Read More
Supply Chain Disruptions Plague EU, UK Markets Denis Storey | United KingdomAs the world’s economies crawl out from under the shadow of the pandemic, no country – or region – has been able ...Read More